Laws of Spirit

The Law of Responsibility

The Law of Responsibility

Once upon a time, there was a farmer. He had fields full of beautiful trees bearing tons of fruits. He worked hard to tend the trees, water and pruning them. However, he had a few trees which did not produce any fruit. He tried everything to make them bear fruit, but nothing worked. So all his time went into the few trees. He yet had to learn the Law of Responsibility.

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The Law of Faith

The Law of Faith – A law of Spirit

Once upon a time, a lady called Sarah felt lost and disconnected from the world. She always believed and trusted in a higher power naturally applying the Law of Faith. But lately, she has been questioning a lot, and self-doubt has overcome her. She even doubted the purpose of her existence. One day she sat in the garden and got emotionally overwhelmed by her doubts. Suddenly a gentle voice started talking to her, inviting her to trust the universe. Puzzled and skeptical, the voice kept telling her that the universe was always conspiring for her. Still, she kept listening to that voice, and slowly a sense of peace and clarity arose. She began to drop her worries and started to trust in the universe and its divine guidance.

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The Law of Discipline

The Law of Discipline

A Zen parable about a carpenter and his tools tells us about a man who regularly cleaned and sharpened his equipment. Meticulously he took care of his items, ensuring they were always in good condition naturally following the Law of Discipline.
One day his apprentice approaches him and asks why he takes such good care of his tools. The master replied, “If I take good care of my tools, they take good care of me.”

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The Law of Balance

The Law of Balance

Buddha lived a life of luxury and prosperity as a young boy and had little clue about the Law of Balance. Born as a prince, he enjoyed the amenities of living in a castle with more than enough to eat, enjoy and live. He thought everyone was living like him.
One day he left the safety of his castle. He was devastated when he found out that most people live in poverty, barely getting enough food, not to mention any luxury. In an instant, he decided to lay down his crown as a prince and became an ascetic living in extreme poverty and deprivation.

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The Law of Action

The Law of Action

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who intuitively knew how to apply the Law of Action. His land was small, but he grew the lushest grass, corn, wheat, and fruits. Every harvest fed not only his family but all around him as well. Bedazzled, the other farmers tried to find out his secret.

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