Author name: Martin

Overcome the Isolation Within and Embrace Your Fullest Expression

Finding our center can be a profound challenge in life’s ever-shifting currents. The seven steps of Alchemy offer us a transformative roadmap to navigate the chaos, discover our True Essence, and become a beacon of positive change in the world. Each step guides us on a journey of self-discovery and growth, helping us stay centered even in the most turbulent times. From purifying our inner world to refining our talents, confronting the “Dark Night of the Soul” to solidifying our True Essence, these steps provide actionable tools and profound wisdom. Together, they lead us to the ultimate state of authenticity and self-realization, often referred to as the Holy Grail or Philosopher’s Stone in Alchemy. Join us on this transformative path as we explore each step and learn how to stay centered in a chaotic world.

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How To Stay Centered And Free In A Chaotic World

Finding our center can be a profound challenge in life’s ever-shifting currents. The seven steps of Alchemy offer us a transformative roadmap to navigate the chaos, discover our True Essence, and become a beacon of positive change in the world. Each step guides us on a journey of self-discovery and growth, helping us stay centered even in the most turbulent times. From purifying our inner world to refining our talents, confronting the “Dark Night of the Soul” to solidifying our True Essence, these steps provide actionable tools and profound wisdom. Together, they lead us to the ultimate state of authenticity and self-realization, often referred to as the Holy Grail or Philosopher’s Stone in Alchemy. Join us on this transformative path as we explore each step and learn how to stay centered in a chaotic world.

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The Law of Process, The Most Miraculous Transformation

The Most Miraculous Transformation Of Life

The most miraculous transformation of life as an example of Alchemy is right among us. It is the one from the caterpillar to the butterfly. Let’s use it as a metaphor to grasp the seven steps of Alchemical transformation. The caterpillar spends most of its life consuming the world around it until it grows thick and fat. This recklessness is very much like our daily unconscious behavior. We live by the term that money can buy anything, and there is no need to care for the world we pass on to our children.

One day the caterpillar’s internal clock goes off. Everything gets heavy and, in time, comes to a complete stop. At this turning point, we realize that the world’s resources are vast but not infinite. Moreover, we are sowing off the branch of the tree we are sitting on. At last, we are not passing on the world to our children, but we borrow it from them.

The caterpillar spins itself into a cocoon. We can compare this step to becoming conscious of being unconscious. Our introspection starts. We stop looking for the meaning of life outside and in materialistic satisfaction and instead focus inwards and start the most miraculous transformation of life.

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7 steps to master any challenge

7 Steps To Master Any Challenge In Life

What’s your first thought about Alchemy? Medieval charlatanry of turning lead into gold? That was mine too. However, life taught me the hard way the truth about Alchemy — the hidden secret behind obscure terms and strange practices. In one of my darkest hours, I learned that Alchemy is primarily an internal process. It explains 7 steps to master any challenge in life. Summarized it is about turning the inner heaviness and dross into light.

For me, learning and embodying the 7 steps to master any challenge was a turning point in my life.

We don’t learn much from our easy times but from our hardships and challenges. Lightworkers are not sent from heaven but rise from their ashes. Once I came across the teachings of Alchemy, I understood that all the ups and downs are part of our journey on Earth. They are all learning lessons. So, we can either go the hard way of fighting them or acknowledging and using them for our personal evolution.

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The Law of Responsibility

The Law of Responsibility

Once upon a time, there was a farmer. He had fields full of beautiful trees bearing tons of fruits. He worked hard to tend the trees, water and pruning them. However, he had a few trees which did not produce any fruit. He tried everything to make them bear fruit, but nothing worked. So all his time went into the few trees. He yet had to learn the Law of Responsibility.

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The Law of Faith

The Law of Faith – A law of Spirit

Once upon a time, a lady called Sarah felt lost and disconnected from the world. She always believed and trusted in a higher power naturally applying the Law of Faith. But lately, she has been questioning a lot, and self-doubt has overcome her. She even doubted the purpose of her existence. One day she sat in the garden and got emotionally overwhelmed by her doubts. Suddenly a gentle voice started talking to her, inviting her to trust the universe. Puzzled and skeptical, the voice kept telling her that the universe was always conspiring for her. Still, she kept listening to that voice, and slowly a sense of peace and clarity arose. She began to drop her worries and started to trust in the universe and its divine guidance.

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