Six years ago, we sold our new Porsche and Audi, and we left our Central Duplex Apartment in a serene Austrian town. Despite having everything in the materialistic world – nice cars, organic food, and university degrees – a part of our hearts felt empty, numb, and paralyzed. To identify the source of this emptiness, we traded our seemingly stable lives for a nomadic existence, stepping completely out of our comfort zones. Just a few days ago, during my morning meditation, I reflected on how often we have moved houses, villas, and hotels in the last six years. Shockingly, I counted more than 80 relocations!

leaving the home country for freedom

I can say that leaving the home country behind to gain freedom, is not easy! As we live in a world of polarities, I have learned that true freedom comes with hardships and challenges. Leaving the mainstream hamster wheel didn’t bring expected freedom initially. At first, Martin fell into a dark hole and struggled for some time with regular high highs and low lows. We realized he was stuck, and this was triggered by giving up the stability and safety of our known environment and daily routine. We were thrown in a constant survival and exploration mode, making it difficult to relax due to figuring out where we get our basic needs like food, groceries, fresh water, laundry, a car/motorbike. Despite moments of experiencing freedom, the nervous system found it hard to relax.


According to my numerology, part of my life path is mastering freedom. However, I have come to realize for myself that true freedom can only be found within. When I am at peace with myself, not running from emptiness, freedom washes over me as contentment. The constant urge for self-development modalities, in the end, is not freedom but an attempt to fill an ever-running cycle seeking meaning and connection.

A whole new world opened up

Before leaving Austria, the focus was more on the material world, with little time for self-development. Over the last six years, I have learned and applied various modalities daily. The ones that stuck with me hold real value, so I can experience the inner freedom that I was always looking for – daily meditation with the conscious intention of connecting to my intuition through the Akashic Records, and a movement practice such as yoga, dancing, bodyweight workouts, running, walking, or cycling and a mindfulness practice like mindful and silent eating, acknowledging the beauty of the present moment and expressing love when I feel it. When Martin and I found out that life is following a certain template, it clicked and finally the inner freedom started to evolve. This allowed our nervous systems to relax as we embodied the continuous upward spiral of raising our consciousness. Learn more about this insight here.


Six years later, we are returning back to Austria, following a sudden deep calling of our hearts that we both received in a meditation. Then, life suddenly presented us with a house and a car in Austria that we weren’t looking for but we gratefully accepted it as we were following the signs. And guess what – we are moving into this new house exactly on the date we left Austria six years ago. This can’t be a coincidence but rather a synchronicity!

coming home as the person I truly am

I feel like I am coming home as the person I truly am, compared to the person I was before, with expectations, conditioning, and many limiting beliefs. We have also noticed that our environment has shifted and people in Europe are open to get to know themselves. We have arrived and can now start giving back to our home country everything we have learned. By reflecting on the last six years, we are filled with gratitude, especially for Bali. The Balinese people, the expats living there, the tourists who come for healing, the creative kitchen, and the overall energy in Bali have given us so much that we also want to give back to Bali. We have distilled the highlights of healing modalities from the past decade into our retreat, Return to Yourself that we are facilitating on Bali. You don’t need to embark on years of world travel, move over 80 times, or spend extensively on travel costs, accommodation, and training – we invite you to just come to Bali with us and let us take you on the most transformative journey you have probably ever been on. Do you feel the calling to join us there?

OUR retreat encapsulates the best of what we’ve learned to truly connect with ourselves, and we are thrilled to pass this wisdom on to you!

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