Author name: marie

the bali effect

Six years ago, we sold our new Porsche and Audi, and we left our Central Duplex Apartment in a serene Austrian town. Despite having everything in the materialistic world – nice cars, organic food, and university degrees – a part of our hearts felt empty, numb, and paralyzed. To identify the source of this emptiness,

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1000+ Akashic Records Readings

When I, Marie, first heard about the Akashic Records, I never dared to dream of supporting so many seekers along their path to finding wholeness. Now, 1000+ Akashic Records Readings later, I’m grateful beyond words that I found my soul mission in reading from and teaching about the Akashic Records. In this post I share my profoundest insights.

Did you know that the same seven steps re-occur in cycles everywhere throughout our lives?
Did you know that life becomes much more joyful once you learn and embody these steps?

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